Monday, 4 February 2008

Still here

but nothing much is happening I'm afraid.

This week I am still at the Uni but in a different department. Working 10 while 3.30 which is very nice as far as the whole sleeping till you wake up thing goes but not much good to someone who just wants to grab all the cash she can and go home.

Some things I'm appreciating that I didn't know I had missed are

being called love by all and sundry (a Leeds/Northern habit even the men call each other love)

evesdropping on the bus

living in a "finished" house and work being finished when you finish work

and having the use of a broadband connection that really is broad. In fact I bet Us In France's connection is so fast, now we're not there, that she's in danger of being sucked in.

Some things I'm missing are

The Dinnerladies - no silly chicken antics (though I have heard a rooster) and no eggs - I had one bite of a supermarket free range egg and had to throw it away it had a really strange harsh metallic taste

birdsong - nothing much to be seen round here but magpies and while they have a good sense of humour they just can't be described as tuneful

stars - that last little walk with Sissy before we go to bed looking up at the stars and next door's Christmas lights (I wonder if he's taken them down yet).

All in all though it's not as bad as I feared just kind of dull.


aims said...

At least it's not terrible. And - you have some very good eggs to look forward to.

Imperatrix said...

Like aims said -- at least it's bearable. And it reinforces the rightness of your new home. Sometimes we have to miss something a bit to figure out how much it really means to us.

travelling, but not in love said...

It may be dull, but I'm glad you're seeing some joy in it.

This is my list of things that I love doing when I go back to the UK:

- Eat fish and chips from the paper
- Watch BBC news and Newsnight
- Get a decent curry
- Enjoy a temporary re-connection with old friends and family
- Revel in the fact that I'm not the fattest person in the room
- Enjoy the cinema, the theatre, the concerts

Oh yeah, and I chat up English men. It's so much easier to pull on home turf....

Jen said...

I'm finding the whole concept of being a sort-of stranger at home really fascinating.

Dull is bearable; just think of the money and those fabulous eggies when you get home...

Breezy said...

Aims I am really looking forward to those eggs

Imperatrix Too true!

TBNIL You've just reminded me I've not had samosa's yet and I really ought to get round to visiting friends. Been watching the news but it seems pretty much the same as when we left

Breezy said...

Jen you have hit the nail on the head with a sort of stranger at home. I'm neither nowt nor summat at the moment not quite an ex-pat but gone past the being at home in the UK

Anonymous said...

to make it feel like home turn the central heating off i wont mind martin

Anonymous said...

to make it feel like home turn the central heating off i wont mind martin

Breezy said...

That's alright we've got used to 25 degrees now. How do you get it off constant by the way?

Stew said...

Not having to speak french to people at tills is the weirdest thing.
Understanding all the young french people on the underground who think they can't be understood is excellent entertainment.

You can't tell me you aren't missing french clip compilation shows. The 100 best... whatever it is. They have guests who are only there to plug their latest dvd/show/book. First hosts discus the clip you are about to see in greqt depth, then you see the clip, and ten all the guests discuss the clip. Just show me the clips you morons!

Debra in France said...

Hi Breezy, I wonder how hot that heating system gets! Wouldn't it be fun to see how how you can get the house?!

The chickens are doing well, and obviously missing you. They are enjoying their warm spaghetti breakfasts and left over cat food!

When I last went back to the UK (over 2 years ago) I kept saying pardon with a French accent to get past people in shops, and merci when I was given change! Funny how you get used to things

Breezy said...

Stew strangely enough I am missing hearing French spoken around me in fact I've had to switch the Euronews over to French just to try and keep my ear in

Debra well it would never get as warm as your place!
And I can see the chickens now when we come to collect them all pointing their little wings and shouting Stranger Danger!

menopausaloldbag (MOB) said...

Ah so you are 'home' then. Listen,just going from England back to Scotland creates the exact same effect in me. My heart is there and I feel at home when I get there but after decades away it isn't home either. I used to get so homesick for Scotland when I first came down south and then eventually down south became my home and now I get home sick when I go home as I experience the smells, sounds, feelings and friendships the place evokes for me. You are a European now and that means leaving some of the old you behind and finding new bits of you to embrace. Good luck with earning that dosh and getting back for the summer.

Anji said...

I remember the listening to other conversations when I went back. Not that they were that interesting...

Fish and chips We could do with some of those here.

Breezy said...

MOB Weird isn't it. I'm taking Sissy for walks in the same park that I used to walk my dog in when I was 10.

Anji I won't dwell on the fish sandwich I had for tea today then

Moonroot said...

Hi - I've tagged you for a meme! Details on my blog.

Anji said...

I remember making fish finger sandwiches...

Racheal Miles said...

Hi, I just wanted to say hello and to let you know that I have found your blog and am enjoying it.
Racheal x

Breezy said...

Moonroot Thanks that one is going to take some thinking about

Anji in white sliced bread? Mine was a fish from the chip shop in an oven bottom cake with salt, vinegar and ketchup (comfort food)

Hi Racheal Thanks for dropping by

Debra in France said...

Hiya, the chickens know who their real mum is, don't you worry. 5 minutes after you take them back they won't even remember me!