Monday, 23 June 2008

One volunteer is worth ten pressed men

Here's our volunteer pumpkin. It could only be from the compost I dug into the garden last winter. Huge in comparrison to the ones I have coddled and nutured it's elbowing the cauliflowers out of it's way ready to go rampaging across the garden with a volunteer potato hot on it's heels.
If pumpkin pictures are just too exciting for you I do have a picture of a tomato. Sad I know but after last year's complete wash out I am thrilled to have nine (yes nine I counted them) little tomatoes appearing on one of the tomato plants. The others have some too but I haven't counted how many I have a short attention span.
We very nearly have peas too! We have leeks that are developing a distinct leekness, onions that might actually come out of the ground bigger than when we put them in, and climbing beans climbing. Also putting in an appearance are salsify, swiss chard, beetroot, carrots, cucumbers and broad beans.
In fact if it wasn't 30 degrees in the shade I would be out there weeding and coddling and praising all the little veggies and telling them just what a bang up job they are doing. But with my eyes screwed up against the sun I can choose not to see the weeds.


Anonymous said...

It sure is true that volunteers are super-hardy! Hope you get some nice big pumpkins from it.

Yay! for sprouting gardens! I suggest an ice cold beer or some chilled sangria to keep you company in the shade...

softinthehead said...

Breezy - great to hear from you again. Sounds like you are going to have quite a harvest, I know how "exciting" that can be. Glad to hear it is 30 degrees there, hopefully our roof is being repaired at last.

softinthehead said...

Breezy - great to hear from you again. Sounds like you are going to have quite a harvest, I know how "exciting" that can be. Glad to hear it is 30 degrees there, hopefully our roof is being repaired at last.

softinthehead said...

whoops how did that happen?

Breezy said...

Imperatrix well we have had some Panache (sorry can't find the accents)As our posh friend tells us we do delight in being North Country working class

SITH same again today your roofers should have no excuses unless they think it's too hot!

travelling, but not in love said...

Mmmm. Pumpkin Soup. Pumpkin pie. Roast Pumpkin. Pumpkin Risotto....

I love pumpkin.

aims said...

salsify? What is that?

aims said...

I should have added - 30 degrees? What is that!!

Breezy said...

TBNIL pumpkin soup is my favourite with lots of ginger. I've never had pumpkin pie something I shall have to rectify this Autumn

Aims salsify is a root vegetable I've never tried it before I just liked the name sounds all homesteady and Little House on the Prairie

travelling, but not in love said...

Pumpkin soup with ginger. NOW i'm hungry!

Kitt said...

Hooray for a burgeoning garden! I hear you on the heat. I like gardening in the early evening best, but that's when I'm at work most days, alas.

Jen said...

Crumbs, it all sounds super-tropical and fertile in your neck of the woods. I love the idea of gardening in the evening with a glass of sangria. How very civilised!

This, oddly, is the 2d thing I've read about leeks since I got up 10 mins ago. Am going to search for your email now and send you more leeks and vegetables!

Breezy said...

Kitt early morning is my favorite time it always seems like there are new developments every day

Jen The mozzies love evening gardening too unfortunately. We had a glass of Pimms after a bout of gardening at a friend's yesterday. Very civillised.