Thursday 23 August 2007

Bat out of where?

So it's Thursday already I don't know what we've done with this week so far. I could swear it's only Tuesday.

The local wildlife is continuing it's invasion attempts. Last night we were watching The Land of the Dead (not a bad zombie film as zombie films go) and a bat appeared from somewhere (the windows were shut) and flew off upstairs. Perhaps it was just trying to enhance our spooky film viewing experience.

The cat thought it was her birthday oooohhh mouse AND bird combined and ran up the stairs after it with TS in hot pusuit. The gardening gloves were found but the bat was out of reach on one of the beams. We got the step ladders but Mimo thought they were for her to reach the bat so the gardening gloves were used to hold on to her while TS opened the bathroom window to let it out.

Sorry no pictures we never think of the camera in moments of drama.

Anyway are you sure it's Thursday?


Imperatrix said...

God, I hope it'sThursday, because here the week has been jam-packed with dull dull work!

Peaceful/Paisible said...

may be it was not...may be it was batday or catday...anyway today was courgette day for me put some in jars after drying them in the oven very slowly, nice drop of olive oil, salt and thyme, delicious...
bon appétit...

Jen said...

Ah, can't beat a bat up the nightie for a bit of night time fun.

Maybe you could get the cat a nightie for double comedy value?

Breezy said...

Ooops it's a whole week gone by again
Imperatrix I hope this week was not do dull

Mousie I hate cougettes but maybe I just never did the right things with then

Jen I'll have some of what you've been on unless it's the after effects of that detox diet