Yes we're still doing the plumbing. Who would of thought it could take this long? After all there are only two sinks a shower and a toilet, it's hardly the Hilton. The trouble is we just can't seem to get down to it there is so much else going on for instance walks in the woods to check out the flora and fauna and to be amazed that we're here and that it's so beautiful.
Not to mention checking out the progress of th
e veg at least twice a day. It needs twice a day as the beans popped up all at once this afternoon. The photo is of the peas and sweetcorn though and the resident photographer was too impatient for me to lift up the plastic on the cloche so you could see them in all their glory.
Today though we did do plumbing and now the pipes have progressed to the bathroom to be. It did need yet another trip to Mr Bricolage and Castorama but we are quite confident that we now have all the bits probably.
All that's left is to attach the pipes to aforementioned sinks shower and toilet and we will have plumbing. That's after we've built units for the sinks and a plinth for the shower. The work of a moment surely.
Who knows Saturday night could be bath night!
(Not a f*king hope the resident plumber says)
sounds nice
It's wonderful we'll be able to stop and smell the roses once we can get clean and don't smell so much ourselves
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